Friday, June 26, 2009

Why Gardening is Like Potty Training

Lately I have been following Facebook posts about attempts and trials of potty training my adorable great nephew. My experience is, "it ain't gonna happen until it happens". I realized that is kind of like gardening. I hate to admit that my garden this year is pathetic. One of the reasons is I got impatient and planted things too soon. In my neck of the woods that means after Derby Day, the beginning of May at my old Kentucky home. I planted things too early and I think the rains washed the seeds away or it was too cool on their tootsies. I planted my tomatoes and they just stood there in defiance like, "woman it is too early and too cool we are not going to do anything for ya!". But, "drum roll", I had my first ripe tomato on June 25th. I have never had one ripen that early. Of course I think it was the size of a grape when I planted it, and besides that it is a yellow tomato. Not my favorite, but I planted one lone yellow tomato plant for the less-acid eaters in my family. Yes gardening and potty training are a lot alike. It ain't going to happen until the time is ripe, ur......right.

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